The KID’S Planet
THE FORMATIVE YEAR [PLAYGROUP-NUR, KG]:- The first few years that a child spends in schools are extremely critical in the development of the children and also influences their attitude towards the school in general and studies in particulars. Recognizing this L.D.C.Jain Public School lay’s great emphasis on providing our young children with a friendly warm and homely environment. The classrooms are well equipped and brightly decorated. The teaching of this level is activity based and modern methods of teaching like play way and role play are extensively used for imparting education.

The KID’S Planet
We offer a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment in which this culture of intrepidness can flourish, allowing Kidspace children to be brave and adventurous as they learn and grow.

The Junior School (Class 1 to 5)
The junior school is the first step forward for our little ones as they enter class1.The basic inputs that the child has been provided at the formative stage are consolidated at this level as the student become capable of under standing basic concepts of the various subjects. Various Co-Curricular and extra curricular activities are introduced at this level.

The Middle School (Class 6 to 8)
When the child enters class 6 the school helps him make the transition from a protected environment to one where he develops his individuality and personality. The subjects are tought by specialist teacher trained specifically for teaching a particular subject. The curriculum includes English, Hindi, Math’s, Science Social Science, Art, General Knowledge, Music and a Third Language.

The Senior School (Class 9 to 12)
The teacher at this stage would be recognized expert in their filed so that students can be provided Every opportunity to excel at their academics. Examination Regular classroom tests and periodic examinations at the school level are indicative of scholastic achievement. The result enables the teachers as well as student to take corrective steps. Apart from regular monthly tests, two major examination are conducted namely the half yearly and the final examinations. Promotion to the next class will be decided on the academic performance o the child throughout the year.