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lala deep chand jain public schoo

LDCJPS positons the teachers at the pinnacle of the learning process-but with a difference. the Teacher is no longer the provider of all knowledge

Changing Profile of Winner

Technology induced Changes and the crumbing trade & travel barriers have thrown up new opportunities, while stepping up comps on in the work place. Workplace. Workplaces and transact on processes have changed immensely. In this new paradigm, the profile of workplace and leaders in the new age is changing too Winners now come from a broader range of backgrounds, reflecting greater inclusion and diversity across gender, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

Lala Deep Chand Jain Public School

The School lays equal stress on Co-curricular and extra Curricular ac vies and facilities
have been accordingly provide in the School Campus.


A Conductive and enriching environment is essential for every child’s healthy growth and development and the campus of the school has been specifically planned keeping in mind all demands of growing children and trends of modern day educa on.

Why LDC Jain Public School

Changing Profile of Winner……….

Technology induced Changes and the crumbing trade & travel barriers have thrown up new opporuni es, while stepping up compe on in the work place. Workplace. Workplaces and transac on processes have changed immensely. In this new paradigm, the profile of workplace and leaders in the new age is changing tooWinners now come from a broader range of backgrounds, reflecting greater inclusion and diversity across gender, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

Englarging Role & Responsibility..........
The School, Next only to the family have a special responsibility in equipping the future workmen the right a tudes and skills that would them become winners and leaders in the new informa on age. A modern infrastructure, con nuing realignment of curriculum and a comi ed & skilled faculty are essen al ingredients of new age school and pedagogy.
Winning & Leading Attitude............

Our children need to imbibe and a tude of winning and leading. As a successful parent, your search is
possibly for an effec ve collaborator who would a end to your child’s scholas c mul-demensional needs.

Teacher with difference

LDCJPS positons the teachers at the pinnacle of the learning process-but with a difference. the Teacher is no longer the provider of all knowledge. he or she is a ‘facilitator’, who uses the new technology to motivate the student to explore for themselves the world of knowledge. Motivated and inspired by the opportunity of learning to innovate, an innovating to learn, The teacher at LDCJPS continously renews and updates subject knowledge and pedagogy.



Children are the most precious asset of our country. At L.D.C. Jain Public School we try make this founda on strong and work in that direc on with sincerity and dedica on. It was my keen desire to open a school which provides wonderful ambience in which students can discover their talent. Our mo ve is not to make money but to provide every child a concrete and enable him emerge with excellence. Great stress is laid on the basis cocepts of repec ve subjects such as tenses in English, Tables in Maths , Grammar in Hindi and prac cals in Science etc. Our School has maintained complete discipline. A Complete discipline expresses moral of a child. It is training of mind or manner. To fulfil my dream, co opera on of parents is needed. As for the rest, there will always be changes for the be er.

Poonam Sharma

I am really honored and feel very privileged to function as the Principal of Lala Deep hand Jain Publics School. Let me take this opportunity to thank the Management, giving me the opportunity to serve the community .We, at LDCJPS , ensure high quality educa on which motivates and empowers our students to be lifelong learners and the productive members of the society. Our educa on system is the one that cater the individual needs of our students Success for all students is ensured at our school by the delivery of an enriching, child centered, balanced and structured curriculum and a whole school focus on student welfare that focuses on the positive recognize on of student achievements. initiates the ac views that ac vely promote safe and healthy lifestyle Teachers at LDCJPS are highly qualified and experienced educators who are committed to supporting each student’s learning experience through quality instruction and guidance that addresses the needs of the individual child. Teachers work to provide students with difference related support that address each student’s specific needs both academically and socially.


For Any Inquiry